you are in homepage Sponsor categories

In From the class to the account you can find the collaboration format that suits you best by means of financial contributions, services or products.

There is always a way to participate through the following categories:
Special friend
Friends forever

More than friends

It allows you to participate as an “account” proposing a project in which to work and taking part in the selection of the winning campaign, which can be implemented if you want so.


If you want to receive more information or have a meeting with us, you can do it here:

First name *
Last name *
Institution *
City/Town *
Country *
E-mail *
Phone number
I accept the processing of my personal information. Your personal information will be included in an automated file with the sole purpose of sending you information on From the class to the account. We will never sell or transfer your information to any third party.
I want to receive more information on how to establish a collaboration or sponsorship with From the class to the account
